Tracy Lorraine Interview

Hey all, today I get to share with you an interview I did with Tracy Lorraine! I reviewed her book Falling For Ryan on Tuesday and I'm so excited to now share this with you.

Thank you so much to Tracy for taking the time to answer my questions and for being so sweet.


1. How long have you been writing?

I started writing December 2014. I was going through a rough time and I was reading more and more to escape. I had this crazy idea one day that I'd like to have a go at writing my own story. I never intended for anyone to read it, but I confessed what I was doing to a friend and allowed her to read it. A year and a half later I published it. It was totally unexpected but incredible at the same time. I haven't looked back since.

2. If you weren't a writer what would your dream career be?

Honestly, I have no idea. My background has always been design so as long as I'm being creative, I'm happy.

3. What is the nicest thing a reader has said about one of your books?

I love it every time someone tells me that I kept them awake because they couldn't put one of my books down. But I equally adore it when readers tell me how much I made them cry #sorrynotsorry. It blows me away that readers are so invested in my characters that they cry along with them and feel their pain.

4. I feel like a lot of people hide behind a screen and don't care about others feelings. How do you deal with people who spread negativity on social media or leave bad reviews?

Sadly, it's part of the territory. I try my hardest to walk away from any negativity. I know that not everyone will love my books, just like I don't love every other book out there. It's important to remember why I'm doing what I'm doing and why I love it. Also surrounding myself with supportive readers, bloggers and authors works wonders. There are some really incredible people out there and I've met some incredible friends through it.

5. How did you come up with the concept for this series?

As I mentioned above, I had this idea to write my own book. That was all well and good but I had no clue what my story would be. Then I woke up one morning after having the most vivid dream. That morning I found a notebook and Molly, Ryan and the gang were born.

6. I've always wondered when authors write New Adult/Romance/Erotica if they let their friends and family read their books or if they make them steer clear. How do you feel about it?
I wrote in secret for quite a long time. I was a teacher and I was terrified some of my kids would find out and start reading my steamier scenes. That was not something I wanted to discuss in my classroom. Back then it was only my husband, my mother in law and a book obsessed friend who knew. Once I had my daughter and decided against going back to school, I embarked on writing full time I started to "come out". Now, if my friends and family want to read my books they are more than welcome to, apart from my nan. I've banned her! I can't cope with the idea of my nan reading my sex scenes. Even still, she's my biggest supporter.

7. If Molly and Ryan's story was turned into a television show or a movie, who would you want to portray them?
None of my characters have ever been based on real life people and I really struggle finding people who I'd want to portray them because the details just aren't quite right. So sorry, but I"m going to have to pass that question!

8. Originally the name of the book was Falling For Molly, what made you change the name and update the cover?

I first published Falling For Molly in February 2016 and as time's gone on and I've studied the market more, seen what's popular and I've evolved my books. I was toying with the idea of swapping the names for a while but when I decided to change the covers I didn't feel the female names matched the darker design so I went for it.

9. Falling For Ryan is only the beginning of the Falling series - who was your favorite couple to write about?
I have loved each and every one, but Nicole and Declan are the closest to my heart. Nichole is very much me, from the story with her mum to her sleepwalking antics. I'd planned their story before I even published the first book in the series and I had to wait until book nice to be able to get the story out. It  was emotional to write because I have first hand experience at some of the more painful bits but I love it so hard.

10. If Falling For Ryan had a them song what would it be?

Songs have been a big part of my writing. I planned a lot of them while driving back and forward to work, listening to the radio. My song for Falling For Ryan is the one mentioned in the last chapter of the duet Ed Sheeren's "Thinking Out Loud". Every time I heard it, it just made me think of Molly and Ryan.

If you'd like to follow Tracy Lorraine on Social Media take a peek below :)


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