Tips for writing your statement of purpose and additional essays

It's hard to overstate the importance of the essay section on your application to the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. The essay(s) not only demonstrates your writing skills, but it also allows the admissions committee to get to know you as more than just test scores, transcripts, and resume.

Hopkins-Nanjing Center Statement of Purpose
The statement of purpose is arguably the most important essay and is required for all applicants to Hopkins-Nanjing Center programs (Certificate, Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS), and the HNC Certificate + Johns Hopkins SAIS MA). All applicants are required to answer the following prompt in 600-800 words:

Tell us why you want to study at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center and how studying at the HNC would contribute to your academic and professional goals.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you write your statement of purpose.

1) Answer the prompt. It may seem obvious, but some applicants submit essays that don’t fully answer the statement of purpose prompt. Review your essay and make sure that you are clearly answering all parts of the prompt. It’s okay if you don’t have a five-year career plan! The admissions committee is looking to see that you have thought out why you want to study at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center and how you see the program as an essential piece of your future plans.

2) Offer clarifications. The statement of purpose is an opportunity to address any irregularities or other points of clarification on your application - whether it’s lower grades during your freshman year, a gap year you took after high school, if you are planning to improve your Chinese over the summer, or anything else that the admissions committee should be aware of when reviewing your application. Applicants can be hesitant to bring attention to these areas, but it’s better to address any issues upfront and provide the admissions committee with more information when reviewing your application.

3) Be specific.  Applicants with the best essays give concrete examples of what motivated them to continue studying China and Chinese and why they want to study in Nanjing. The Hopkins-Nanjing Center is a unique program, so we are interested in learning specifically why you are applying and how it will benefit your future career goals. Vague generalizations will not help you stand apart from other applicants. Don’t just tell us why you want to attend graduate school, but instead tailor your essay to highlight why you want to attend the Hopkins-Nanjing Center.

4) Be memorable.  The essay should not just restate information already provided in your resume but rather should provide additional information to give the admissions committee a fuller picture of your motivations for studying at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. For example, one past applicant wrote about lessons he learned from his friendship with a Chinese classmate. Another explained her interest in public health through her interactions volunteering at a clinic. Other applicants highlight how their work or internship experiences exposed them to a certain issue that they want to learn more about at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. Not everything is learned in the classroom!

5) Avoid clichés. For example, one of the most common clichés we encounter every year involves applicants writing that they hope to become a "bridge" between China and the US. It may be true, and it's a noble cause, but this statement doesn’t let the admissions committee know specifically why you want to study at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. Get specific and write from your own experiences.

6) Be concise. The word count for this essay is 600-800 words. However, don’t feel like you need to meet the maximum requirement if it doesn’t add anything new to your essay. If you can answer the prompt completely in 600 words, you can stop there. It’s better to be concise rather than repeating similar ideas or phrases to increase the word count.

Concentration Essay for MAIS applicants
In addition to the Hopkins-Nanjing Center statement of purpose, MAIS applicants are required to write a concentration essay. For this essay, we ask that you choose one of the five concentrations offered in Nanjing: international economics, international politics, comparative and international law, Chinese studies, or energy, resources, and environment. You then are prompted to write about your potential thesis topic. Don't worry, though! You will not be locked into this topic, so it is completely fine if you change your topic, or even your concentration area, after you are in Nanjing. This is more an opportunity for the admissions committee to see that you have a particular area of interest related to China, and that you have put thought into a potential research topic.

You will notice that we ask you to write about only one area of interest for your thesis topic. While it may be tempting to discuss multiple ideas and show you have a variety of interests, you should stick to only one topic. Discussing a multitude of different research ideas can show a lack of focus to the admissions committee, so it’s better to use this essay to demonstrate your analytic skills and go into depth into one particular area of interest. 

Additional Essays for HNC Certificate + Johns Hopkins SAIS MA applicants
Last but not least, Certificate + MA applicants are required to submit three essays total as applicants are applying to two different programs within one application:

•    Hopkins-Nanjing Center statement of purpose
•    Johns Hopkins SAIS MA statement of purpose
•    Johns Hopkins SAIS MA analytical essay

We often receive questions about the amount of overlap between the two statement of purpose essays. While the essays may seem similar, both essays have distinct prompts and should be geared to either why you want to study at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center or why you want to study at Johns Hopkins SAIS. You should assume that both admissions committees of each program have access to all essays. You can include any relevant information in each, even if it does mean a bit of overlap, but be sure you are writing two distinct essays. Click the following link to hear tips from the DC admissions team on how to write the MA statement of purpose.

The analytical essay requires you to discuss an issue of national or international importance.  While the analytical essay should be related to international relations or economics, it doesn’t need to be related to China if that’s not your intended concentration area at Johns Hopkins SAIS. Click the following link to hear tips from the DC admissions team on how to write the MA analytical essay.

We look forward to reading your essays!

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